If You Hate Mosquitos, Take THIS Once A Day During The Summer!

If there was an award for “most annoying creature in the world” it would have to go to the mosquito. If you’ve ever tried to enjoy a nice summer day outdoors, you’ve most likely been dinner for more than a few of these bloodsucking insects. And that process isn’t pretty. A mosquito “bite” isn’t even a bite at all… the female mosquito pierces your skin with its straw-like proboscis, searching for a blood vessel.  One it finds it, it releases its saliva that contains an anticoagulant to keep your blood flowing as it sucks it up. Yuck.

Once you’ve been “bitten,” your body has a histamine response, causing the area around the bite to swell. That’s why you end up with red bumps. And the swelling also irritates the nerves in the area, making it itch.

But it gets even worse. The most annoying creature in the world can also transmit viruses. Yeah, you can thank mosquitos for the spread of the West Nile virus and the Zika virus. So what to do?

A good bug spray still remains your best option in the fight against mosquitos but if you want to take things a step further, perhaps you should give this trick a shot. According to YouTube user Shepherd School, taking vitamin B1 (thiamine) on a daily basis can help make you less attractive to mosquitos by changing the odor of your sweat. It’s a change in your odor that humans won’t notice, but mosquitos will, and they won’t like it.

Watch the video below for the full details and let us know what you think!


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