20 Stunning Natural Phenomenons That Seem Impossible, But Are Totally Real

9. Murmurations

Murmurations are when huge flock of birds fly together in a incredibly coordinated formation. It’s absolutely mesmerizing to watch. Scientists have been trying to determine how the birds are able to move in such precise unison.

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10. Fairy Circles

These barren red circles of soil can be found in Australia and Namibia. These circles can be found in the millions, extending over 1,500 miles of desert. There are two main theories about how these circles were formed. The first theory is that the circles were created by neighbouring sand termite colonies, who eat grass roots in a circular patch. The second theory is that the plants are fighting over water and other scarce nutrients, and the landscape naturally organizes into rings of deep-rooted grasses.


11. Underwater Crop Circles

Underwater crop circles remained a mystery for a very long time until 2011 when its creator was finally caught in the fact. These ornate underwater crop circles are created by male pufferfish as part of a mating ritual. It takes seven to nine days for the pufferfish to build these incredible circles that are used to attract a mate. They even decorate the peaks with shell and coral fragments! Once a mate is found, the circle is used as a nest for the eggs.


12. Migration of Red Crabs

Christmas Island is home to the annual migration of millions of red crabs.  Around October/November, the crabs make the trek from the forest to the coast to breed and release eggs into the sea.

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