Neglected Dog Has 35 Pounds Of Hair Shaved Off

It’s great to see transformations—these can include drastic changes within someone’s home space and/or decor, or even physical transformations when it comes to people and their appearances. It’s always a new, fresh, and surprising experience to see someone fully transformed. And so I think it’s safe to say that it would be just as amazing, if not more, to see your pet go through an awe-inspiring transformation as well. Am I right?

The video shared in this post below has a sad story, but it definitely does end well. It’s about a little pup, 7-year-old Lazarus, who had been stuck in a barn for a number of years, and was not groomed, or looked after, at all. It was quite clear that the owner was simply providing the bare minimum—food and water.

Dogs need love and care just like humans, and when they get this, there happiness is always visible right across their face. This poor dog however, was lacking both and it was so clear from his appearance; Lazarus had 35 pounds of fur growing from his body, and his mane was massive! But because he wasn’t being properly looked after, a family member of the owner called animal rescue services and groomers to help rescue Lazarus from these brutal conditions. And they did.

The results? Absolutely incredible! The animal shelter and groomers helped shave off all the excess fur and the little pup is now unrecognizable! He’s even living in the shelter and trying to get used to being a normal dog again. His transformation is definitely a must-watch!

Click on the video below to watch Lazarus’ full story. Please share this video with friends and family and help spread the message of loving our pets!


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