Cat Loses It Over Optical Illusion

Cats don’t see the world the same way that humans do. It’s widely thought that cats are color blind, but they see colors similar to humans, just more washed out. However, their eyes are designed to work much better, in dim light and in the dark, than humans and their eyes are designed to recognize motion extremely quickly, partly why they are such efficient hunters.

The cat in this video has quite a reaction to an optical illusion that is placed in front of him. To be fair, I don’t blame him at all. Anytime I look at one of these optical illusions, I get a distinct feeling of motion sickness. Do you remember those posters that you were supposed to stare at for a while, squinting just the right way until an image appeared? The only reward I ever got from staring at one was a headache. I have a feeling that this cat would have had better luck than I ever did.

At first, he just stares at the paper in front of him. But, his brain starts processing the image and he begins to see the illusion—I assume that this particular illusion appears to move. So, as the image moves in front of him he gets very excited, batting at the paper over and over.

I’ll admit that I was intrigued and decided to present my own cat with a similar illusion. Well, either the illusion didn’t work the way I printed it or my cat simply doesn’t care. I put the paper in front of her several times and she looked from me to the paper, and back to me again, after which she walked carefully around it and went to lie down in her favorite spot.

My cat may have failed, but this cat deserves to have his reaction shared with the world!

Watch his reaction below, and share it with family and friends!

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