Teen Makes $35,000 In 4 Days By Plowing Snow In Seattle

Imagine being stuck in a snowstorm that you haven’t ever experienced before. Sure, snow comes and goes in various parts of the world, and it’s normal in the winter months. But, what happens when there’s more snow than you expected and you don’t have the equipment to clean it all up? Well, that’s when people like David Holston come in and save the day.

With the recent snow squalls in various parts of North America, Seattle got hit with one of the snowiest months in 70 years. Yes, the city got hit with more snow than the residents could handle and they weren’t even prepared to shovel it all up; some areas have a total accumulation of 10 inches.

For those who are used to snow, 10 inches might not seem like a lot, but Seattle residents were baffled. Well, all until David came around with his handy snow plow. The 18-year-old is a landscaper and snow plower in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He was visiting his mother, who was recovering from surgery in Seattle when he figured that the residents need some help looking after all this fluffy white stuff!

Talking about how it all started, David mentioned that, “I was in the hospital when my friend Steve called me and gave me the idea of bringing my plow truck to Seattle.” So, he brought his plow truck and put up an ad on Craigslist offering to plow through the storm for people who needed/wanted the help. You’ll be surprised as to what happened next! He had someone offer him $1,000 to plow their snow. He knew he would be bringing the snow plow back to Washington the next time he went to visit his mom on her birthday.

“After the [birthday] party, I hit the road with jobs lined up until midnight. All during that time, I was answering my phone and adding new customers to my snow route for Monday,” David recalled. People were offering him tons of money to plow for them; he was getting offers like $550-700/hour to get the work done. He spent four days plowing through 15 sites and made a total of $35,000.

David is thankful for the work that he got while he was in Washington and says that he will donate 20% of the earnings to charity. And, what will he do with the rest? He’s going to buy some lawn equipment and put the remaining towards buying his first house. Amazing job!

Click below to watch a news report from that storm that talks about snow heroes and those helping others like David!

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