Groovy Little Girl Becomes Busker’s Backup Dancer

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She is not just a violinist. She’s a violin sensation and prodigy. Meet Karolina Karolina Protsenko is a 15-year-old Ukrainian violin prodigy who moved to the US when she was six. Family Of Musicians She started playing the violin in 2014 and began playing on …

Skillful Firefighter Rescues Husky Trapped On Ice

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This story showcases an inspiring moment, highlighting the extent people will go in order to save an animal in need. Dog In Distress One day, Ivy the Husky was seen struggling on melting ice by some passersby. To The Rescue Luckily, a firefighter was nearby, …

Loving Couple Adopts 6 Boys With Down Syndrome

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Having people you can call family is one of life’s greatest gifts, and, luckily, there are lots of people out there who have overflowing love and care that they want to share with others, even those they’re not related to by blood. Meet The Pinkertons …

Troublesome Student Gets Adopted By School Principal

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This story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact one person can have on a child’s life. Meet Jason Jason Smith is a dedicated principal at a school in Kentucky. Troublesome Student On the other hand, Raven Whitaker-Smith, then an 11-year-old student, was a …