Rescued Tiny Squirrel Gets Released Into The Wild

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This little squirrel’s life story demonstrates both his resiliency and the need to receive the right care. Meet Rocky Rocky used to be a teeny tiny squirrel who emerged from the wilds of New Hampshire. His Story Rocky was found by a woman who was …

4-Year-Old Boy Calls 911 For An Odd Request

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Usually, it’s unnerving to have the cops come to your house but this story came to a really touching end because of a little boy’s simple request. Meet Gianni Gianni is an adorable 4-year-old boy who lives with his family in Florida. Surprise Visitor One …

Orphaned Rhino Reunites With The Man Who Raised Him

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Reunions are beautiful reminders that being apart from our loved ones does not last forever. There are invisible strings that tie us to them, and they’re what lead us back to each other no matter what happens. Meet Kitui Kitui is an orphaned rhinoceros who …

12-Year-Old Girl Asks Stepdad To Adopt Her On Father’s Day

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Some relationships, specifically those between two strangers, transcend biology, and this heartwarming story is an example of that. Meet McKenna McKenna is a sweet 12-year-old girl from Chilliwack, Canada who currently lives with her mom, Danica Webster, and stepdad, Adam Webster. Their Story Adam has …