Orchestra Is About To Perform When Triangle Player Takes Over With Comedic Solo

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Surely you’ve heard a guitar solo in your life. You’ve probably come across an oboe solo too! Most likely even a violin, cello and a piano solo! Plenty of instruments get their time to shine in a song or performance, but there are a select …Surely you’ve heard a guitar solo in your life. You’ve probably come across an oboe solo too! Most likely even a violin, cello and a piano solo! Plenty of instruments get their time to shine in a song or performance, but there are a select …

Frog’s Belly Lights Up After He Eats His Dinner

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Frogs are seriously equal parts cool and equal parts strange. These adorable amphibians spend their lives straddling life on land and in water, hopping around between lily pads, trees and even showing up on homeowners’ windows when they least expect it. And, have you ever …Frogs are seriously equal parts cool and equal parts strange. These adorable amphibians spend their lives straddling life on land and in water, hopping around between lily pads, trees and even showing up on homeowners’ windows when they least expect it. And, have you ever …

The Little Mermaid Voice Actress Performs For Bride At Wedding

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If you grew up watching Disney (or by default had to watch it with your daughter or grandson), surely you have a favorite. For those who like adventure and have strong family values, Lion King might have been your preferred choice. Maybe the promise of …If you grew up watching Disney (or by default had to watch it with your daughter or grandson), surely you have a favorite. For those who like adventure and have strong family values, Lion King might have been your preferred choice. Maybe the promise of …

Delivery Man Notices Driveway, Instantly Acts Like A Child And Cracks Homeowner Up

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You know the saying, “Take time to smell the roses?” Yeah, it gets lost on me too. I know what it means, and I truly, wholeheartedly love what it stands for, so much so that I actively try to take it to heart, but there …You know the saying, “Take time to smell the roses?” Yeah, it gets lost on me too. I know what it means, and I truly, wholeheartedly love what it stands for, so much so that I actively try to take it to heart, but there …

Toddler Smuggles Stray Puppy Into Class And Breaks Down When Teacher Opens Her Backpack

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There are just some people who have big hearts. Like, really big. They’re the kind-hearted humans who go out of their way to help out other struggling souls without further question. There’s that nice young man who helps the elderly woman with her groceries and …There are just some people who have big hearts. Like, really big. They’re the kind-hearted humans who go out of their way to help out other struggling souls without further question. There’s that nice young man who helps the elderly woman with her groceries and …

Mini Elephant’s Entertaining Routine Wins Over The Crowd

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Halloween brings out the creative streak in people. It’s a fun time of year when you get to reveal a different side of yourself. Your alter ego shines in the form of your choosing, whether it be a mermaid or some kind of character from …Halloween brings out the creative streak in people. It’s a fun time of year when you get to reveal a different side of yourself. Your alter ego shines in the form of your choosing, whether it be a mermaid or some kind of character from …

Family Dog Inches Closer To Newborn And Gently Rocks The Baby

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With the arrival of a brand new baby comes the art of learning how to juggle multiple tasks at once. Mom’s schedule immediately is full, attending to her child at every given hour; her own needs come second. It can be a little chaotic at …With the arrival of a brand new baby comes the art of learning how to juggle multiple tasks at once. Mom’s schedule immediately is full, attending to her child at every given hour; her own needs come second. It can be a little chaotic at …

Baby Elephant Loses Leg In Landmine Blast And Prosthetic Leg Gives New Meaning To Life 15 Years Later

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When your puppy or kitty gets a severe injury, it’s devastating. And if they have to have a limb amputated, your heart just breaks a little more. But, take a look around and you’ll see a three-legged pup chasing after a ball, or a three-legged …When your puppy or kitty gets a severe injury, it’s devastating. And if they have to have a limb amputated, your heart just breaks a little more. But, take a look around and you’ll see a three-legged pup chasing after a ball, or a three-legged …

Grandparents Live Longer If They Spend More Time With Their Grandkids

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I always loved going to grandma’s. She was such a fabulous cook and I was always a hungry kid with hollow legs. I thought her sole purpose on this planet was to feed me, and it’s not like it was a chore for her. She wholeheartedly …I always loved going to grandma’s. She was such a fabulous cook and I was always a hungry kid with hollow legs. I thought her sole purpose on this planet was to feed me, and it’s not like it was a chore for her. She wholeheartedly …

Students Sing “Lean On Me” To Principal Diagnosed With Cancer

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Statistics reveal that approximately 12.4% of U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their life. Although breast cancer survival rates have been improving since 1989, this doesn’t take away from the saddening diagnosis thousands of women receive each year. For one …Statistics reveal that approximately 12.4% of U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their life. Although breast cancer survival rates have been improving since 1989, this doesn’t take away from the saddening diagnosis thousands of women receive each year. For one …