Two High School Geniuses Solve 2000-Year-Old Math Problem

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These girls put a bunch of incredibly intelligent mathematicians to shame after they solved this super-old problem. Meet The Smart Duo Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson are two teens from St. Mary’s Dominican High School in New Orleans who just solved the unsolvable. Big Challenge …

Lion Cubs Rush To Reunite With Their Mom When She Calls

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Unlike their usually dangerous lives, this beautiful scene provides a very moving window into these “wild” beasts’ lives. Peaceful Moment As the quiet, waiting calm of dawn breaks over the Mala Mala Reserve, little lion cubs play with each other in the vast savannah of the …

Cleanup Crew Member Discovers Poor Puppy In Garbage

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This story brings to light the serious and all too often disregarded issue of trash disposal and its effects on all living things. Routine Cleanup The Missouri Department of Conservation’s Stream Team was conducting a routine cleanup in North County when they found something within a …

91-Year-Old Grandma Shares Her Night Routine

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We’re curious creatures – we’re so fascinated with lives that aren’t our own. So getting a small glimpse of someone else’s life, culture, and routine is an amazing gift. A Quiet Life We are welcomed into the life of a charming grandma living in Hokkaido, …

Researchers Observe How Plants “Talk” To Each Other

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The following research is beyond fascinating and brings us a little closer to understanding the beautiful nature that surrounds us. A Wondrous Discovery A recent study from Japan has revealed a previously undiscovered facet of the natural world to scientists. They Can “Talk” They discovered …

Wild Fox Invites Adorable Dog For Playtime

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This story serves as a reminder of the beauty that can be discovered in the little things in life and the friendship that binds us all together. Fateful Meeting It all started when a fox sneaked up on a dog who was trying to enjoy …