Researchers Observe How Plants “Talk” To Each Other

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The following research is beyond fascinating and brings us a little closer to understanding the beautiful nature that surrounds us. A Wondrous Discovery A recent study from Japan has revealed a previously undiscovered facet of the natural world to scientists. They Can “Talk” They discovered …

Wild Fox Invites Adorable Dog For Playtime

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This story serves as a reminder of the beauty that can be discovered in the little things in life and the friendship that binds us all together. Fateful Meeting It all started when a fox sneaked up on a dog who was trying to enjoy …

Friendly Crow And Little Boy Form Deep Friendship

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This story showcases the complex nature and beauty of wildlife and the amazing relationships that may happen when different species coexist. Meet Russell Russell is a rescued crow who has become a part of a loving family with two little boys. His Story One day, Laerke’s …

Ranching Couple In Their 90s Saves Cattle From Wildfire

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Their story goes beyond their fight against the raging fires. It also honors a lifetime of commitment and support for one another. Meet The Barefoots Delmer and Mildred Barefoot are a devoted couple living in the midst of the landscapes of the Texas Panhandle. Their …