This Device Is The Solution A Very Common Healthcare Problem… Genius!

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File this one under “why didn’t I think of that!?” When it comes to needles I’m a bit of the squeamish type, so when they tell me that they need to do a blood test, I close my eyes and imagine myself in my happy …File this one under “why didn’t I think of that!?” When it comes to needles I’m a bit of the squeamish type, so when they tell me that they need to do a blood test, I close my eyes and imagine myself in my happy …

45 Years Ago He Wrote THIS Important Song… But When He Tries To Sing It Again? Everyone Is Crying!

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Music can be a very powerful thing but you might not really know it if you just turn on the radio and listen to some of today’s pop music. What exactly do I mean by “powerful?” Consider Bridge Over Troubled Water, a song (and album) …Music can be a very powerful thing but you might not really know it if you just turn on the radio and listen to some of today’s pop music. What exactly do I mean by “powerful?” Consider Bridge Over Troubled Water, a song (and album) …

He Uses 2 Sharpies To Colour Over His Smartphone’s Flash. The Reason? I CAN’T Believe This Works!

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There’s an app for everything, they say… but is there? Is there really!? Some things, you just can’t do with an app. But that didn’t stop one ridiculously clever YouTuber from turning his smart phone into a black light! “Black light? Why do I need a black …There’s an app for everything, they say… but is there? Is there really!? Some things, you just can’t do with an app. But that didn’t stop one ridiculously clever YouTuber from turning his smart phone into a black light! “Black light? Why do I need a black …

He Drills Holes Into A Flower Pot And Creates A Surprising Device That Saves Him A Lot Of Money!

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Flower pots… you do a great job of holding my plants, but what else can you do for my life? It turns out a lot. If you’re familiar with the properties of clay then you already know that it does an absolutely wonderful job of …Flower pots… you do a great job of holding my plants, but what else can you do for my life? It turns out a lot. If you’re familiar with the properties of clay then you already know that it does an absolutely wonderful job of …

This Desperate Dog Jumped Into A Stranger’s Car. Where It Took Her Changed Her Life Forever…

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As an animal lover, hearing stories about animals suffering makes my blood boil. But don’t worry… this story has a happy ending, so you can unclench your fists now. Fortunately, there are still a lot of good people on this planet who won’t stand for such suffering. …As an animal lover, hearing stories about animals suffering makes my blood boil. But don’t worry… this story has a happy ending, so you can unclench your fists now. Fortunately, there are still a lot of good people on this planet who won’t stand for such suffering. …

He Was Filming Seagulls When He Captured THIS Coming Out Of The Water… SCARY!

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Brad Rich was just having a nice, peaceful day off the coast of Seward, Alaska. He was filming the nearby seagulls but something caught his attention. Peculiar sounds were coming from the stern of the boat and when Brad looked over, he was in for …Brad Rich was just having a nice, peaceful day off the coast of Seward, Alaska. He was filming the nearby seagulls but something caught his attention. Peculiar sounds were coming from the stern of the boat and when Brad looked over, he was in for …

She Puts Banana Slices On The Bottom To Create THIS No-Bake Treat… I’m Drooling!

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Show me a person that doesn’t love pie and I’ll show you a liar. Pies are deliciously awesome but the one downside is that they take so long to bake. And who’s got time for that? So that’s why someone and some critically important point …Show me a person that doesn’t love pie and I’ll show you a liar. Pies are deliciously awesome but the one downside is that they take so long to bake. And who’s got time for that? So that’s why someone and some critically important point …

This Is The Most Beautiful Tribute To Robin Williams… And It’s Only A Minute Long.

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It was on August 11, 2014 that the world mourned the loss of Robin Williams. The beloved actor passed far too early at the age of 63. Williams had won several awards throughout his career, including multiple Grammies and an Emmy, but he was much …It was on August 11, 2014 that the world mourned the loss of Robin Williams. The beloved actor passed far too early at the age of 63. Williams had won several awards throughout his career, including multiple Grammies and an Emmy, but he was much …

This Mom Cried All Night For Her Missing Baby. But See What Happens When They’re Reunited…

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Nothing can compare to a mother’s love. Everyone knows that but not everyone knows that it holds true for animals as well. Meet Karma, the cow who was rescued from cruelty and taken to The Gentle Barn’s sanctuary. But despite being saved, she cried throughout …Nothing can compare to a mother’s love. Everyone knows that but not everyone knows that it holds true for animals as well. Meet Karma, the cow who was rescued from cruelty and taken to The Gentle Barn’s sanctuary. But despite being saved, she cried throughout …

If You Have Trouble Getting Out Of Bed In The Mornings, This Is For You…

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I can say with absolutely certainty that I am not a morning person. Waking up early and forcing myself out of bed is no easy task. I’m one of those people that will ignore their alarm clock, hitting the snooze button over and over, to …I can say with absolutely certainty that I am not a morning person. Waking up early and forcing myself out of bed is no easy task. I’m one of those people that will ignore their alarm clock, hitting the snooze button over and over, to …