This Injured Marine Held A Salute For Over 3 Hours. But Watch What The Bikers Do… I’m Speechless!

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Every Memorial Day in Washington, DC, you can count on seeing Staff Sergeant Tim Chambers standing at attention during the Rolling Thunder/Ride for Freedom. He has become known as the Saluting Marine, holding the salute for three to four hours while the bikers drive by. The …Every Memorial Day in Washington, DC, you can count on seeing Staff Sergeant Tim Chambers standing at attention during the Rolling Thunder/Ride for Freedom. He has become known as the Saluting Marine, holding the salute for three to four hours while the bikers drive by. The …

He Has A Heart Attack And Is Rushed To The Hospital. But Pay Attention To What His Dog Does…

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Get a box of tissues ready. And if you’re a dog lover, you might want to get a few boxes ready. This campaign about a man and his dog is sure to bring some tears to your eyes while delivering an important message about organ donation. …Get a box of tissues ready. And if you’re a dog lover, you might want to get a few boxes ready. This campaign about a man and his dog is sure to bring some tears to your eyes while delivering an important message about organ donation. …

This BRUTALLY Honest Wedding Invitation Will Make Your Day… Hilarious!

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Attending a wedding can be a lot of fun… you’ll laugh and you’ll cry, all while celebrating a beautiful occasion. But planning a wedding? That’s a whole other animal. It can be a gruelling and frustrating process with an endless number of pitfalls. Not to …Attending a wedding can be a lot of fun… you’ll laugh and you’ll cry, all while celebrating a beautiful occasion. But planning a wedding? That’s a whole other animal. It can be a gruelling and frustrating process with an endless number of pitfalls. Not to …

This Grandma Stunned Everyone When She Interrupted A Street Performer And Stole The Show!

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It was just another day on the beautiful streets of Brussels, Belgium when Power Beat, a beatboxer, started to get the crowd going with his own brand of vocal drum machines. He’s clearly a very talented guy but something very unexpected happened during this particular …It was just another day on the beautiful streets of Brussels, Belgium when Power Beat, a beatboxer, started to get the crowd going with his own brand of vocal drum machines. He’s clearly a very talented guy but something very unexpected happened during this particular …

This Mother Caught Her Son Doing THIS To A Homeless Man… And Now The Video Is Going Viral!

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There’s nothing quite like the innocence of children and the unfiltered honesty that they always seem to blurt out in public. Yep, this often leads to incredibly awkward and embarrassing moments but sometimes it leads to something amazing. 5-year-old Josiah Duncan and his mom were …There’s nothing quite like the innocence of children and the unfiltered honesty that they always seem to blurt out in public. Yep, this often leads to incredibly awkward and embarrassing moments but sometimes it leads to something amazing. 5-year-old Josiah Duncan and his mom were …

Watch Closely As This Baby Starts To Fall Over After Dad Falls Asleep… OMG!

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Is your dad the type that does outrageously silly things for the sole purpose of embarrassing you? Well, I’ve got news for you: that’s what dads are for. But beyond that, they’re also very good at being incredibly awesome and loving parents. So in case …Is your dad the type that does outrageously silly things for the sole purpose of embarrassing you? Well, I’ve got news for you: that’s what dads are for. But beyond that, they’re also very good at being incredibly awesome and loving parents. So in case …

She Took A Blind Homeless Man’s Sign And Wrote THIS On It… But Watch How Everyone Reacts!

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More than likely, you’re familiar with seeing a homeless person carrying a sign that’s pleading for your help. Sometimes the sign will mention an illness that they have, or perhaps it will describe the circumstances that led them to a life on the streets. Of …More than likely, you’re familiar with seeing a homeless person carrying a sign that’s pleading for your help. Sometimes the sign will mention an illness that they have, or perhaps it will describe the circumstances that led them to a life on the streets. Of …

28 Photos That Only Dog Owners Can Relate To… The Last One Made Me Cry!

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If you’ve ever had a dog, you know all about the unique struggles and joys that only a canine can bring into your life. Despite all the frustrating things that they might do, we still love them because they’re family. And besides, we can’t help but …If you’ve ever had a dog, you know all about the unique struggles and joys that only a canine can bring into your life. Despite all the frustrating things that they might do, we still love them because they’re family. And besides, we can’t help but …

This 90-Year-Old Grandma Tries To Do A Backflip… What Happens Next SHOCKS Everyone!

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I try my best not to judge a book by its cover, but a 90-year-old doing a backflip? When I first heard about this video, I thought to myself “there’s just no way!” But hey, my preconceived notions have been completely shattered more than a …I try my best not to judge a book by its cover, but a 90-year-old doing a backflip? When I first heard about this video, I thought to myself “there’s just no way!” But hey, my preconceived notions have been completely shattered more than a …

Watch This Rescued Puppy Grow Up Before Your Eyes In This STUNNING Time-Lapse Video!

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Dave Meinert is a film maker who adopted a puppy named Pegasus who was rescued from a backyard breeder. If you’re not familiar with backyard breeders, they’re typically people who breed animals to sell them and make a quick buck with little to no regard …Dave Meinert is a film maker who adopted a puppy named Pegasus who was rescued from a backyard breeder. If you’re not familiar with backyard breeders, they’re typically people who breed animals to sell them and make a quick buck with little to no regard …