This Confirms That Life Is Crazy. 41 Absurd Yet Hilarious Facts I KNOW You Can Relate To!

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As they say, brevity is the soul of wit and that’s what’s so wonderful about infographics: they cleverly communicate messages in a very concise way. Danish duo Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler, also known as Wumo, decided to create infographics to tackle a whole lot of …As they say, brevity is the soul of wit and that’s what’s so wonderful about infographics: they cleverly communicate messages in a very concise way. Danish duo Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler, also known as Wumo, decided to create infographics to tackle a whole lot of …

His Secrets Caught On Camera… How This Honey Badger Kept Outsmarting People Will Blow Your Mind!

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Animals are often much smarter than we give them credit for, and watching them prove this point is always good fun. But WOW! Tie a helmet to your head because your mind is about to be blown. Stoffel is a honey badger that lives at …Animals are often much smarter than we give them credit for, and watching them prove this point is always good fun. But WOW! Tie a helmet to your head because your mind is about to be blown. Stoffel is a honey badger that lives at …

Ukranian Photographer Infiltrates The Magical Kingdom Of Snails. And It Is Unusually Beautiful.

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What do you know about snails? Snails are vegetarians, they prefer dark and damp environments, they can’t hear, they can live 15 to 20 years, and their slime is oh-so important to their survival, letting them move around and providing them with protection. Cool! Now, …What do you know about snails? Snails are vegetarians, they prefer dark and damp environments, they can’t hear, they can live 15 to 20 years, and their slime is oh-so important to their survival, letting them move around and providing them with protection. Cool! Now, …

BREAKING NEWS: Did Apple Maps Just Find The Loch Ness Monster? See For Yourself And Decide.

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Apple Maps may have had trouble finding you a proper route before, but it seems as though it may have found something that nobody else could. An image of a shadowy 100-foot long beast in the waters of Loch Ness was photographed by satellite. The …Apple Maps may have had trouble finding you a proper route before, but it seems as though it may have found something that nobody else could. An image of a shadowy 100-foot long beast in the waters of Loch Ness was photographed by satellite. The …

15 Easy Ways To Decorate Your Easter Eggs. #15 Is Insanely Cool!

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Easter eggs are a really fun and cool way to show off your creative side. But what do you do when your creative juices just aren’t flowing? Fear not, friends… the internet has your back! A lot of these ideas can be done with things …Easter eggs are a really fun and cool way to show off your creative side. But what do you do when your creative juices just aren’t flowing? Fear not, friends… the internet has your back! A lot of these ideas can be done with things …

What Happens When You Do Yoga Around Your Dog? This Will Put A HUGE Smile On Your Face. Guaranteed.

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Yoga is awesome but many of us would agree that it’s almost always more enjoyable when practiced with a friend. Meet Pancho, the cute little Chihuahua that decided that he had enough of practicing yoga alone, so he now lets his human join in on …Yoga is awesome but many of us would agree that it’s almost always more enjoyable when practiced with a friend. Meet Pancho, the cute little Chihuahua that decided that he had enough of practicing yoga alone, so he now lets his human join in on …

These Kids Were Forced To Fight. Warning: You Might Start Laughing Uncontrollably.

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I’m not one to condone violence but when a fight is this spectacular, you can’t help but watch it and want to share it with the world. I mean, flashy Hollywood fights are cool and all but they just can’t compare to real fights. This gruelling …I’m not one to condone violence but when a fight is this spectacular, you can’t help but watch it and want to share it with the world. I mean, flashy Hollywood fights are cool and all but they just can’t compare to real fights. This gruelling …

Huh!? Look At These Photos And You Will NEVER Look At Foxes The Same Way Again…

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Whenever I hear about a fox, it’s usually in a story on the local news. The gist of those stories is “Watch out! There’s a fox on the loose!” Not surprisingly, foxes have a bit of a bad rep. It doesn’t help that foxes are …Whenever I hear about a fox, it’s usually in a story on the local news. The gist of those stories is “Watch out! There’s a fox on the loose!” Not surprisingly, foxes have a bit of a bad rep. It doesn’t help that foxes are …

You Asked For It: How To Make That Amazing Pigs In Mud Cake!

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You folks asked for it on our Facebook page, so here you go! Below you will find an instructional video on how to make that delicious Pigs in Mud Cake. And if you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, “Like” our Facebook page so you don’t …You folks asked for it on our Facebook page, so here you go! Below you will find an instructional video on how to make that delicious Pigs in Mud Cake. And if you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about, “Like” our Facebook page so you don’t …

This Mom Created Something AMAZING In Her Backyard. And Here’s How You Can Do It Too!

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Summer is here! Well, actually that totally depends on where you live. But if the sun is shining and the temperature is rising, I think we can all agree that there’s nothing quite like having some fun in the water. And if you’re DIY blogger Leisha, the …Summer is here! Well, actually that totally depends on where you live. But if the sun is shining and the temperature is rising, I think we can all agree that there’s nothing quite like having some fun in the water. And if you’re DIY blogger Leisha, the …