This Bottle Garden Hasn’t Been Watered Since 1972! Watch This Video To See How It’s Done.

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When I think of gardening, I usually think of one word: work. And a lot of it. But here’s David Latimer, who has this gorgeous garden in a bottle, and in over 50 years, he watered it just once. It may seem hard to believe, …When I think of gardening, I usually think of one word: work. And a lot of it. But here’s David Latimer, who has this gorgeous garden in a bottle, and in over 50 years, he watered it just once. It may seem hard to believe, …

I Can’t Believe What These Clever Dogs Do Every Day. This Is Brilliant!

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I remember training my dog to sit and stay while I walked away with an incredibly smelly cheese treat. He sat there so anxiously and you could actually see a puddle forming from his drool. I was so proud that he followed my commands, and …I remember training my dog to sit and stay while I walked away with an incredibly smelly cheese treat. He sat there so anxiously and you could actually see a puddle forming from his drool. I was so proud that he followed my commands, and …

35 Funniest Animal Photobombs Of All Time. I Just Can’t Stop Laughing At #8!

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Photobombing is an art form that requires a careful balance of ninja-like stealth and drunk-diva flamboyance. Like most things in life, practice makes perfect. But don’t forget about adding in some creative flare. This isn’t amateur hour. Innovation is what’s going to take you to …Photobombing is an art form that requires a careful balance of ninja-like stealth and drunk-diva flamboyance. Like most things in life, practice makes perfect. But don’t forget about adding in some creative flare. This isn’t amateur hour. Innovation is what’s going to take you to …

OMG. These Baby Animals So Cute My English Go Broken. Halp!

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cuteness… overload. I can’t handle this. Must talk. In broken sentence fragments. Adorableness level over 9000. Okay, okay, I have to compose myself… nope. Fail. Animals. Babies. MASSIVE eyes. Much fuzz. So tiny. Can’t talk. Please trust. Just look. LOOK! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cuteness… overload. I can’t handle this. Must talk. In broken sentence fragments. Adorableness level over 9000. Okay, okay, I have to compose myself… nope. Fail. Animals. Babies. MASSIVE eyes. Much fuzz. So tiny. Can’t talk. Please trust. Just look. LOOK! 

This Little Girl Was Diagnosed As Deaf. And Then THIS Happened. Wow!

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What amazing times we live in! Prior to her first birthday, Chloe Ring was registered blind and diagnosed as deaf. Concerned with her communication abilities, her parents decided to have her undergo a procedure that could help restore her hearing. Fortunately, the operation was a …What amazing times we live in! Prior to her first birthday, Chloe Ring was registered blind and diagnosed as deaf. Concerned with her communication abilities, her parents decided to have her undergo a procedure that could help restore her hearing. Fortunately, the operation was a …

This Brave Dog Was Diagnosed With Cancer So His Owners Helped Him Conquer His Canine Bucket List.

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Romeo is a sweetheart boxer from BC, Canada, who was diagnosed with bone cancer. In response to the sorrowful news, Romeo’s owners, Riina and Jon Cooke, came up with a plan to help give him the fulfilling life that he deserved. Riina and Jon started …Romeo is a sweetheart boxer from BC, Canada, who was diagnosed with bone cancer. In response to the sorrowful news, Romeo’s owners, Riina and Jon Cooke, came up with a plan to help give him the fulfilling life that he deserved. Riina and Jon started …

Mom Wanted To Dance Around The World On Video Before She Got Too Sick. And Now Her Son Wants To Share Her Inspiring Adventure With You.

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Are you familiar with a bucket list? It’s the list of things you want to do in life before you kick the proverbial bucket. Reddit user 40ofclubs posted that his mom put filming herself dancing around the world on her bucket list and she wanted …Are you familiar with a bucket list? It’s the list of things you want to do in life before you kick the proverbial bucket. Reddit user 40ofclubs posted that his mom put filming herself dancing around the world on her bucket list and she wanted …

A Woman Faces Her Worst Nightmare As Her Horse Is About To Drown. What She Did Touched My Heart.

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If you’ve ever had a pet, you probably understand the special bond between a person and an animal. Perhaps the best way to describe this is family. You don’t see the animal as “just an animal” rather you see the animal in question as a …If you’ve ever had a pet, you probably understand the special bond between a person and an animal. Perhaps the best way to describe this is family. You don’t see the animal as “just an animal” rather you see the animal in question as a …

What I Saw Left Me In Tears Of Pure Joy. You Have To See This Beautiful Story. Is This The Secret To Happiness?

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Now this right here is an absolutely beautiful and inspiring story that may bring a few tears of joy to your eyes. Too often, we just think about ourselves and go through life with a cynical survival-of-the-fittest attitude. Consequently, we find ourselves being blind to many of the things …Now this right here is an absolutely beautiful and inspiring story that may bring a few tears of joy to your eyes. Too often, we just think about ourselves and go through life with a cynical survival-of-the-fittest attitude. Consequently, we find ourselves being blind to many of the things …

These Babies Have A HILARIOUS Surprise For You… Watch The One On The Left!

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Hey there, how’s your day going? Not so great? Bombed a quiz? Boss yelled at you? Got a traffic ticket? We’ve all been there but don’t you worry because we’ve got the good for what ails you! Let’s turn than frown upside down and make …Hey there, how’s your day going? Not so great? Bombed a quiz? Boss yelled at you? Got a traffic ticket? We’ve all been there but don’t you worry because we’ve got the good for what ails you! Let’s turn than frown upside down and make …