Snuffles STILL Homeless! Please Share This Story and Help This Adorable Two-Nosed Puppy Find A Permanent Home.

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Snuffles is a five-month-old Belgian Malinois Shepherd that has been rejected by four owners and is homeless. As you can tell from the photos, he has a very unique facial feature: two noses. When news broke that he had been repeatedly rejected by potential adopters …Snuffles is a five-month-old Belgian Malinois Shepherd that has been rejected by four owners and is homeless. As you can tell from the photos, he has a very unique facial feature: two noses. When news broke that he had been repeatedly rejected by potential adopters …

This Girl REFUSED To Do Her Tap Dancing Routine And Made Up Her Own… Everyone Was In HYSTERICS!

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I’m not sure if this girl simply forgot her routine, if she’s a rebel, or if she’s just a natural born star (I like to think it’s a combination of all three). Whatever the case, watch her as she gets her groove on like nobody’s …I’m not sure if this girl simply forgot her routine, if she’s a rebel, or if she’s just a natural born star (I like to think it’s a combination of all three). Whatever the case, watch her as she gets her groove on like nobody’s …

This Dolphin Approached A Diver Because He Needed Help… What Happened Next Made Me Cry!

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As if there isn’t already enough proof that dolphins are remarkably intelligent, Keller Laros was doing a night dive in Hawaii when he was approached by a bottlenose dolphin. As it turned out, a hooked fishing line had entangled one of the dolphin’s pectoral fins. …As if there isn’t already enough proof that dolphins are remarkably intelligent, Keller Laros was doing a night dive in Hawaii when he was approached by a bottlenose dolphin. As it turned out, a hooked fishing line had entangled one of the dolphin’s pectoral fins. …

THIS Is How To Ride The Train. I Can’t Stop Laughing At #3 and #4!

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What happens when you combine boredom with Post-it notes and creativity? Absolute awesomeness, that’s what. Meet OctoberJones, the clever Twitter user that turns a drab train ride into pure hilarity. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain what’s going on. Prepare to laugh yourself …What happens when you combine boredom with Post-it notes and creativity? Absolute awesomeness, that’s what. Meet OctoberJones, the clever Twitter user that turns a drab train ride into pure hilarity. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain what’s going on. Prepare to laugh yourself …

A Man Breaks His Arm And Ends Up In A Cast. I Wish I Thought Of This!

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When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. At least, that’s what you try to do if you’re an average human being. Well wishes and signatures on an arm cast is a nice tall glass of “lemonade” for a broken arm, but what this guy …When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. At least, that’s what you try to do if you’re an average human being. Well wishes and signatures on an arm cast is a nice tall glass of “lemonade” for a broken arm, but what this guy …

Man Loses Bet And Has To Dance On Street… I Can’t Believe What I Just Saw!

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What happens when you lose a bet to your brother and you’re forced to dance in public for 30 minutes? Normally, I would venture a guess of pure humiliation. But in this case, I would be horribly wrong. This guy lost a bet and was forced …What happens when you lose a bet to your brother and you’re forced to dance in public for 30 minutes? Normally, I would venture a guess of pure humiliation. But in this case, I would be horribly wrong. This guy lost a bet and was forced …

7 Perfectly Timed Photos. #3 Is Too Good To Miss!

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There are well timed photos and then there are well timed photos. Whether they were doing this on purpose or not, these photographers must have felt like they hit the jackpot when they realized what they captured. Personally, I can’t get enough of #3. Have …There are well timed photos and then there are well timed photos. Whether they were doing this on purpose or not, these photographers must have felt like they hit the jackpot when they realized what they captured. Personally, I can’t get enough of #3. Have …

This Man Didn’t Shower For 60 Years. What It Did To His Face… OMG!

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How often do you bathe? Twice a day? Once a day? Maybe you skip a day here and there. Well, meet Amoo Hadji, the 80-year-old man from Iran that hasn’t bathed in over 60 years. He lives a very simple life in the village of …How often do you bathe? Twice a day? Once a day? Maybe you skip a day here and there. Well, meet Amoo Hadji, the 80-year-old man from Iran that hasn’t bathed in over 60 years. He lives a very simple life in the village of …

This Puppy Was Being Followed By A Baby Duck. And Then THIS Happened… Awwww!

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OMG. Friends… I can’t even… this is way too cute to be real. And yet, somehow it is!? Watch as this adorable duck follows a puppy EVERYWHERE. Oh, and I do mean everywhere. I can’t even explain why it’s cute. It’s one of those things …OMG. Friends… I can’t even… this is way too cute to be real. And yet, somehow it is!? Watch as this adorable duck follows a puppy EVERYWHERE. Oh, and I do mean everywhere. I can’t even explain why it’s cute. It’s one of those things …

What Happens When You Ask Strangers To Kiss On Camera? The Results Will Amaze You!

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Who is Tatia Pilieva? She’s a filmmaker who convinced 20 strangers to come together for a first kiss. It might seem awkward and uncomfortable at first but it ends up being amazingly sweet and touching. This video has been going absolutely viral with over 60 …Who is Tatia Pilieva? She’s a filmmaker who convinced 20 strangers to come together for a first kiss. It might seem awkward and uncomfortable at first but it ends up being amazingly sweet and touching. This video has been going absolutely viral with over 60 …