
Privacy Policy

This is Metaspoon’s privacy policy. This document explains Metaspoon’s policies for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Metaspoon abides by applicable privacy legislation. Metaspoon provides social media websites.

This document explains Metaspoon’s policies for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. Metaspoon abides by applicable privacy legislation.



Types of Data We Collect

Metaspoon collects information by various methods, including information actively provided by its customers, and tools such as cookies to enhance the user’s website experience.

The types of personal information we collect and process include the user’s name, email address (if provided), contact information, username, IP address, preferences regarding email notifications and newsletters, as well as any information you voluntarily post on the website.

Our Data Processing Activities

We process the collected data to provide our web-based services. This includes managing user accounts, enabling user interactions like commenting and rating articles, sending notifications about replies to comments (if the user has opted in), and sending our newsletter (if the user has opted in).

In addition, Metaspoon may process aggregate or anonymous information, which will not be linked to identified individuals, for various other uses for itself and third parties.


This information is used to provide our web based services.

Metaspoon may use aggregate or anonymous information which will not be linked to identified individuals for various other uses for itself and third parties.


Metaspoon does not share personal information with any third parties except as disclosed in this policy. Metaspoon may provide personal information to its consultants, subcontractors and professional advisers (which shall be bound by privacy obligations) to assist Metaspoon’s uses disclosed herein.

If at any time we wish to disclose personal information to third parties for that third party’s use, we will obtain your explicit permission. If you do grant such permission, you may revoke it at any time.

Our websites contain links to third party sites where you may purchase items. Metaspoon makes commissions from those sales, and does some tracking so the third party knows what site you came from, but Metaspoon does not provide your personal information to the third party.


Each time you visit a Metaspoon website, third party advertisers and advertising companies, including Google, may collect personal and other information, through your IP address, and by using technology such as cookies. Advertisements appearing on the website are delivered to you by third party advertisers, often based on what you do on various websites. This is sometimes referred to as behavioural advertising, or contextual advertising. Third party advertisers and advertising companies use information about you (not including your name or email address), including your IP address and cookies collected through your use of websites, to provide advertisements on this website about goods and services that may be of interest to you. The use of this information collected by third party advertisers and advertising companies through this website is not covered by this privacy policy and Metaspoon is not responsible for the use of this information by third parties.

You may opt out of the use of Google’s cookies for interest-based advertising by visiting the Google ads preference manager on the Google website. You may opt out of Google and other third-party’s use of cookies and other similar technology for interest-based advertising by visiting sites such as www.aboutads.info or www.networkadvertising.org. Your web browser also gives you options regarding cookies.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please see: www.thenai.org/opt-out/


Users may post information on the website (user registration may be required), which you may or may not want to share with certain other users. Users may make privacy choices by selecting options here. Users should keep the privacy choices they have made in mind and avoid posting information they do not want to be shared in light of those choices. User information is retained by Metaspoon for as long as you maintain a login ID and profile, and for a period of up to 2 years after you terminate your profile. Users may however choose to terminate their profile and require Metaspoon to delete all their personal information.


What Data We Collect

We collect and process the following types of data from our users:

-Email Address (only if provided)

-Username or any other name entered by the user when signing up or using our services

-Preferences regarding email notifications and newsletter

How We Process Your Data

We use your data to provide and improve our services. This includes using your data to manage your user account, allowing you to comment and rate articles, sending notifications about replies to your comments (if you have opted in), and sending our newsletter (if you have opted in). We do not share, sell, or disclose your data with third parties, unless required by law.

Purposes for Processing Your Data

The main purposes for processing your data are:

-To create and manage your account, allowing you to interact with the content on our website (such as posting comments or rating articles).

-To send you email notifications about replies to your comments (if you have opted in).

-To send you our newsletter (if you have opted in).

-To contact you in case of any issues or updates related to your account or the services we provide.

-To improve the overall experience of our website.


Your Rights and Control Over Your Data

You have the right to access, update, and request deletion of your data at any time:

Access and Update: You can access and update your data by logging into your account on our website.

Delete Your Account: If you wish to delete your account and all associated data, you can do so by logging into your account, navigating to the user settings, and selecting the option to delete your account at the bottom of the page. Once you delete your account, all of your data will be permanently removed from our systems, and any comments or ratings you have made on our website will no longer be associated with your name or email address. This action is irreversible, ensuring your data is completely erased upon your request.

Email Preferences: You can control whether you receive email notifications about replies to your comments or our newsletter through your account settings. If you want to stop receiving our newsletter, you can also do so by following the unsubscribe link provided in the newsletter itself.


-Managing Your Privacy Choices: Users may choose to receive email notifications about replies to their comments or our newsletter. These preferences can be managed in the user’s account settings.

-Data Retention and Deletion: User information is retained by Metaspoon for as long as the user maintains a login ID and profile, and for a period of up to 2 years after the user terminates their profile. However, users may choose to terminate their profile and require Metaspoon to delete all their personal information.

When a user decides to delete their account, we will permanently delete all of their user data from our systems, including their username, email address, avatar, and any other profile information. Any content or comments they have submitted will become unattributed.


Personal information is protected by security measures appropriate to the nature of the information.


If an individual believes that any of their personal information on the website is inaccurate, and it is information that the user cannot change, you can contact Metaspoon’s privacy officer to request appropriate corrections.


Metaspoon may amend this policy from time to time by posting an updated version on our website. If such amendments affect how Metaspoon uses or discloses personal information already held by Metaspoon in a material way, Metaspoon will obtain consent.

European Union Users

This Privacy Policy is not valid for users from the European Union. Users from the European Union must read the Privacy Policy (EU).

California Users

CCPA Addendum can be found here.


Metaspoon may be contacted at [email protected].