Humans Ask Chatty Dog To Speak. They Hit “Record” The Moment He Starts Talking Up A Storm.


Dogs must think that us humans are pretty boring. If they could understand us, and I’m pretty sure that most times they do, they’d be bored out of their minds. I know I tend to talk about the same things over and over again, and it’s nothing of interest to a pup! Like what I’m doing this weekend. Or how I’m out of almond milk again and I have to go to the same store to pick up the same groceries — it’s all a routine, but dogs like a bit of adventure. I can also keep going on and on about how I’m running late for work, again, and can’t find my phone — again. All this boring talk about my life must be so humdrum to a pooch who dreams of wet food and chasing balls all day!

This is Charlie, and he lives in a house with two sisters. Just like most young girls, these two are particularly chatty. They like to discuss school and boys, and what their friends are wearing and what they’re doing Friday night. It sounds like their banter is too much for poor Charlie to handle because he’s starting to act up and get a little chatty himself! One of the girls mimics his sound, and that’s it, he goes off!

Charlie sounds like the teacher from Peanuts, the one with the monotone voice who just goes “wah-wah-WAH-waaaaaah-wah-wah,” and sounds like a muted trombone! The pup is a little louder and more whiney, but it’s absolutely hilarious! His sounds are so animated, so human-like, it’s truly like he’s speaking over you, uninterested in whatever it is you have to say. This tactic may also just be a way for him to silence out all the other chatter that’s always happening around him. Smart!

The talkative dog goes back and forth between small “wahs,” big “wahs,” loud “wahs” and soft “wahs” all interspersed with more “wahs!” He doesn’t let up, causing some big laughs and extra funny footage caught on camera. Where did he learn this? Other dogs don’t sound like this! Now if only we could speak Charlie’s made up language, then surely we’d all be having a really good time talking the night away!

How talkative is your dog? Do you have any funny stories you’d like to share with us? We’d love to read them in the comments below!

Click below to watch chatty Charlie give you a piece of his mind!

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