Rescued Tasmanian Devil Loves His New Keeper And Won’t Stop Chasing Him

Let’s get real for a minute—do you know anything about Tasmanian devils? Besides the fact that there’s a little on-the-go guy named Taz on the cartoon, “Looney Tunes”? From that, you’ve probably gathered that these little creatures are quite a menace, running around, destroying things and basically just causing a ruckus where ever they go.

But had you ever considered that these marsupials could actually be adorably cute? Especially when they’re little babies, known as joey’s. They’re exclusively native to the island of Tasmania in Australia and they’re only able to grow the size of an average fully-grown dog.

But in the video you’re about to see, this lovely little creature is much much smaller than that. So small in fact, that it fits snuggly in the palm of its human friend, Tim Faulker’s, hand!

Tim is a keeper at Devil’s Ark in New South Wales, a 13-acre piece of land that works hard to protect Tasmanian devils from extinction. In the video, you’ll see the little one hanging out, having a ball and enjoying the good life, while Tim gently rubs its stomach and gives it little snuggles. Then, he persists to run about slowly while the little one chases after him. In all honesty, this may be the cutest thing you’ll see all week.

The video was shared by Tim in order to raise awareness for the declining specie. He hopes to prevent the extinction of Tasmanian devils and hope that more people will join him on his quest to do so.

Click on the link below to see the interaction between the tiny Tasmanian devil and Tim! If you’ve absolutely loved this fun video, remember to share it with your family and friends. After all, it’s basically a cuteness overload and—who doesn’t love cute?!


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