Cat Sticks His Head Inside Tunnel And Pulls Prank On Dog

It’s a common misconception that dogs and cats can’t be good friends. I’m not sure where the idea came from, but for as long as I can remember, dogs and cats have always been portrayed as enemies. Even in cartoons, dogs and cats are always on opposite sides of some invisible line in the sand.

But, if you’ve ever owned dogs and cats at the same time, you know that this is not always the case. Sure, there are dogs and cats that don’t get along, but there are also dogs that don’t get along with other dogs. Often, I think that is more about the animals’ specific personalities than whether they are a cat or a dog.

Sure, dogs and cats think about things differently, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be good friends. My own life would be pretty boring if I only made friends with people who are just like me. Life is so much more fun and fulfilling when it is filled with a wide variety of people to learn from and spend time with.

Even though dogs and cats can definitely be friends, in most cases, the cat in the relationship may be smarter than the dog. Dogs are smart, but not as quick-witted and shrewd as their feline counterparts.

The differences between a canine and feline can easily be seen in the video below. This pair of animal “siblings” are good friends and love to play together, though the cat does take advantage of his dog pal’s difference in intelligence.

River and Jessie have made a game playing with a large, orange tube toy. As their human mom records, River the cat goes to one end of the tunnel while Jessie the dog positions himself at the other end. Things are quiet as Jessie waits for River to make a move. He’s sure that River will dash through the tunnel and he will be there to catch him on the other end.

River, the smarter of the two pets, waits patiently for the perfect timing to make his move. Suddenly, he dashes through the tunnel and Jessie is surprised by his quick movements. In the confusion, River sneaks out the side of the tunnel without Jessie ever catching on. The dog is left searching the tunnel for his best friend, completely confused. But, it’s River’s actions after the fact that made me laugh the hardest.

Watch this adorable “trick” in the video below!

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