He Tricked His Grandpa Into Playing This HILARIOUS Game… This Was Totally Unexpected!

What was your favourite toy game when you were growing up? I don’t know if I’m dating myself but I personally loved Hungry Hungry Hippos and Jenga (do people still play these?). But here’s a game that I had never heard of until recently, and now I know what my childhood was missing. The game is aptly named Pie Face and it’ll make your kids put down whatever electronic entertainment they may have. [googlead]Watch this grandfather and his grandson have the time of their lives as they test their luck with this deliciously simple game.

In case you want to pick this game up, you can buy them at these links: Rocket Games Pie Face! (UK) and Rocket Games Pie Face! (US).

Hah! Their reactions tell the whole story. Ah, who am I kidding… I’m totally getting this for my next party!

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