If You Put THIS Mixture Under Your Tongue Before You Sleep You’ll Never Wake Up Tired

If you’ve ever woken up groggy and tired, then we’ve got something for you to check out. Ideally, we are supposed to sleep about 8 hours a night but life has a way of making this challenging. Consequently, many of us get closer to 6 hours of shut-eye, and we end up being exhausted throughout the day. So what can we do? Surprisingly, the solution may be salt. Salt!? Yes but not just any salt (and certainly not the refined table salt we all have).

The salt that can work some serious magic is Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. “Sea? Himalayan? There’s no sea there!” Okay, wise guy, it’s called sea salt because  hundreds of millions of years ago, there was a sea. And when the tectonic plate movements formed the famous mountain range, it did so over this inland sea. And that’s where the salt comes from. Got it?

Pink Himalayan Salt helps our body become more alkaline so we can fight off diseases more effectively it helps us regulate our serotonin levels to fight depression, and last but not least, it helps regulate melatonin levels to help us with our sleep. Amazing!

The mixture? 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey and 1 teaspoon of Pink Himalayan Salt. Store it in a jar and try putting a little bit of this under your tongue before you go to sleep and it should help improve the quality of your sleep.

Watch the video below to learn more about the incredible healing powers of salt. Let us know if you give this a try and don’t forget to share this story with your family and friends!

Source: Sun Gazing

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