Everybody’s got a story when it comes to commuting to work, and most of them aren’t a cake walk. Unless you have a helicopter or a magic carpet, there’s always some form of sacrifice you have to make to get to your job! There are people who spend hours traveling into the city, from their homes miles away, by bus or train; or, they have to drive in and attempt to beat traffic.
There are some who get to live close by who can even walk to work. Then, there are others like Jaylesya Corbett who don’t live very close – at all – but still walk into work every day.
Officer Deputy Sgt. Scott Bass from Nash County, North Carolina, USA, was on his usual route when he noticed the young woman, Jaylesya, standing at the lights, shivering, dressed in her Bojangles Restaurant work uniform. He immediately offered her a ride, and this is where he learned her story. Jayleysa was looking for work when she applied to multiple locations, including the wrong one too far from her home! But, she was offered a job there nonetheless. She took the role since they gave her a chance and hired her, but as a result, she has to walk six miles to get to and from work (a total of 12 miles a day!) because she doesn’t have a ride and there’s no bus route. She has to leave her house at 3 am to make it on time for her 5 am shift.
From then on, Sgt. Bass made a point to help Jayleysa get to work, offering her a ride whenever they crossed paths. But still, he felt like it wasn’t enough: “It just kind of really weighed on me and bothered me, and every day that I gave her a ride, I just, for some reason, talked to my wife about her.”
Sgt. Bass and his wife came up with a reasonable solution and with a little help from Wal-Mart, they were able to gift this hardworking woman a brand new shiny bike! When he appeared on her doorstep to give it to her, she was beyond thrilled. This means that her commute would be cut in half, saving her time and energy and just generally brightening up her day. He actually gave her the gift of time, which we all know is something we can’t get back. A truly thoughtful gesture.
Click the video below to watch how this kind gift changes one woman’s life.