He Was COMPLETELY Snowed In Until He Did THIS Genius Trick… No More Shovelling Snow!

Snow! It can be the source of fun times but it can also be the source of endless frustration. If you’ve endured harsh winters, you are likely all too familiar with the pains of shovelling the snow just to make your way to and from your home. Now, I’ve seen a lot of interesting gadgets on the market to help make snow removal easier but they aren’t exactly cheap. [googlead]But Joshua Jordan from West Virginia has a cool trick that made me smack my forehead and think “why didn’t I think of that!?” Check it out! And the best part is that it’s fun and free!

Build a snowman and clear out a path at the same time? Works for me. Of course, the snow needs to be of the packing variety but come on… this is so much more fun than shovelling! If you have your own clever way to remove snow, please share it with us in the comments!

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