“Surprise Squad” Decorates Gym For School’s Graduation

There are many forms of kindness in the world. It can be something so simple, such as wishing someone a good day, or it could be something bigger, like donating funds or your time to a charity. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what form of kindness you give out, all that matters is that you did it. Which is why this video has received over one million views on YouTube.

It surrounds the John F. Miller School in Las Vegas—a place where children who are living with multiple disabilities are able to come and learn. And while this school is an absolute inspiration to all, it is quite saddening to know that many of the children that attended are not able to enjoy graduation, go to university, get married, and have other milestones in life. Which is why, when a student does graduate, it’s a grand occasion that is celebrated wonderfully—within the school budget, of course.

But this year, the three graduates of 2017 were able to receive a graduation that they wholeheartedly deserved. That is a fully decorated hall, performers, and a very kind donation of funds. And all of this is thanks to FOX5 Surprise Squad, who approached the principal of the school. They were handed the keys to the gym and spent all night preparing for the big day. When the teachers and students entered, they were in absolute awe!

To hear the full story, watch the video below. It will give you insight into the school, the students, and the companies involved. It will also shed some light on the wonderful ability to give and receive in times of need. It really is a magical story.

If you’ve loved this video, be sure to share it with your family and friends because it’ll surely warm their hearts too.

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