He’s Obsessed With His Grass

Every neighborhood has at least one neighbor who’s crazy about their lawn.

“Our house is on a corner lot at the entrance to a (the 1980s) subdivision in a rural area outside of Atlanta. Either my husband or I cut the grass, and when we don’t have time, we’ll hire someone off of Takl or our neighbor cuts it for a few extra bucks.

APPARENTLY, no one does a good enough job for a man who lives deeper into the subdivision – nowhere near our lot – so in warm weather, he’ll be outside our house edging the sidewalk that runs along the main road and shoveling debris from the gutter into our yard. He then goes into our yard and shovels the debris that he threw off of the street into a trash receptacle, I’m assuming. He then spends another hour plus leaf blowing invisible cuttings and dirt off of the sidewalk. He’s been driving me crazy for as long as we’ve lived here (going on 3 years) because he’ll be out there AFTER DARK running lawnmowers, trimmers, leaf blowers, etc. He mows the sidewalk by our house and the same across the street alongside our neighbor’s home.

Before we knew that he was just some rando who lives several streets back, we one day came home to find him chucking garbage into our yard. We approached him asking who he is, why he is throwing stuff into our yard, and just WTF in general. He immediately got really confrontational and aggressive saying he has the right to be there and it’s none of our business, basically. We’re like, uh, it’s our yard… it is our business? He got angrier. I explained that he’s been a bit of a nuisance out there mowing after dark and could he not do this while we’re at work. More yelling. We came back to the house flabbergasted that this dude was raging at us because we asked him why he was chucking crap into our yard and mowing late into the evening (sometimes after 8/9.) Left to avoid him and returned home to a letter.

In this letter, he apologized for being loud and annoying and for copping an attitude when we questioned him. He said he’d make every effort to be less of a nuisance and threw out some Bible verses and yadda yadda. This letter was THREE PAGES LONG.

Ok, he’s going to do better. We both felt kind of bad because he seemed genuine.

…he was not genuine. Nothing changed. If anything, it got worse. It seemed like he was timing things to be out there when I got home from work and was staying out later and later. At one point, we called the cops because he literally pulled down our street right behind us. The cops said it’s a county streeet, so he can technically be out there at any hour of the day or night edging this 6” wide stretch of grass.

Anyway, fast forward, it gets cold and he goes away. Now it’s warm again and he’s back, and I SWEAR he’s got himself a louder mower.”

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lotr 3 years ago
A mixture of vinegar and salt will kill the grass along that easement. It's hard to mow what's not there...I'm just sayin.
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