These Neighbors Have A Thing For Being Noisy

“I have simply horrible, awful, selfish neighbors. Long story short, we have had to endure constant inconsiderate actions from them for years and I’ve come to realize it has ruined my happiness and my relationship with my family.

She stays at home all day and he works. She has friends around all the time and they chat loudly all day and play awful music. She talks on the phone on a loudspeaker in the garden or at her backdoor and essentially shouts at the top of her voice. She speaks a different language, so I don’t know what she’s saying, but I can hear the person on the phone as if they were in the room with me.

Then they decided to put up this decking which means they overlook us in our garden, and they’ve covered it with tacky ornaments (3-foot gnomes, etc.) and fake plants, etc. Fine, it’s their garden. But they put up these horrendous little wind chimes and cover things in thick plastic sheeting without tying it down, so it flaps and rustles in the wind really loudly. And those darn wind chimes go day and night in this incessant pathetic tinkle. I very politely (probably too meekly) spoke to them in the garden last year and asked them to take the wind chimes down and stop the plastic sheets/tarpaulin rustling all night long and explained I could hear it was disturbing my sleep, I can’t work, and it’s driving me crazy. They laughed and snarled at me and the next day they had literally covered everything in plastic. It has been nearly 2 1/2 years of this, and I hate it more than anything.

It has driven me to the point of near insanity. I am constantly on edge and unhappy, and I started snapping at my family and moping around the house. I wake up in the night thinking I’m hearing them. It sounds over the top, but it’s almost become an obsession. It’s not just noise either. They are generally inconsiderate, nasty people. They have essentially got a dump at the end of the garden and they put a really awful makeshift fence/blockade horizontally along their garden, so they can’t see their junk, but the neighbors can. I also caught him putting all his weight onto the wire fence we have between us to bend it over our garden, so they can put their bins at an angle into our garden and they can flip the lids over into ours. They’ve jammed things into the fence so that it is bent about a foot or more into our area. There have been rats and critters down there too and subsequent poison baits all over. When approached about that he said, ‘Well, I don’t see you putting rat traps down. At least I am doing something about it.’ He also said we should put our own fence halfway horizontally down the garden, so we didn’t have to see his mess. They’ve also got spotlights all over their garden, and we found out they’ve got a camera that films both our gardens. We can’t even go out and enjoy our garden when they get to spend all their time in theirs.

My family tried having another proper conversation with him, but it ended with him shouting and shaking with rage and intimi my mother which was just outrageous (I wasn’t there and only learned about this at a later date).

The noise is worse than the visuals though. I can’t even have the windows open in my own bedroom. I can’t get away from it even inside my own house.

I hate those wind chimes and the rustling, but they simply ignore me. I have lost all motivation and think I am very depressed.”

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chwo1 3 years ago
Get some noise canceling headphones. Truely they help. Build the tallest fence you can. Otherwise, not much you can do. But straighten your fence where he bent it. And the next time its bent call the lolkce for lroperty damage
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