They Have A Thing For Stomping

“There’s a couple that lives upstairs from me. These two people can only walk by stomping on the floor as hard and as loud as possible.

They also seem to have a collection of very heavy things that they drop or spike into the ground, over and over and over, day and night.

This has been going on for about a year now.

In the very beginning, instead of being passive-aggressive or anything, I started with a note about the noise, my phone number, etc…

Nothing changed.

Then, I knocked on the door to have a casual chat… I could clearly hear them inside but they wouldn’t answer the door. I tried again, the same result. On the third try, the guy came to the door. I introduced myself and we exchanged phone numbers.

Nothing changed.

When it’s especially bad, I send a polite text. Not too often, no more than 2x per month… only when it’s especially noisy.

They claim they’re not doing anything but I can clearly hear them jogging around right above me… they seem to give zero effort to even trying and step a little lighter and not make so much noise. It’s not like they’re having a party or anything reportable, just that they’re very heavy-footed (not heavy people, in good shape), and stomp around all day and all night.

Also, the furniture dragging… why drag furniture back and forth from end to end of the apartment from 8 am to after midnight, every single day and night? It makes no sense.

It’s also insane that they never seem to stop moving for more than maybe 30 seconds. Then it’s right back to stomping. I’ve begged and pleaded. I’ve escalated to the landlord. I’ve even offered cash, “I’ll Venmo you $100 if there could be one hour without extreme disturbance…” Ignored and stomping continued. I’ve offered to buy a rug or rug pad for them to dampen the sound… ignored.

The other consideration is that there have been other tenants in the same apartment and I never heard more than an occasional sound here and there. It’s sure about the way their apartment is configured and the fact that they walk like giant iron-shoed cavemen.”

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Satchel59 2 years ago
If you have a stereo play thunderstruck by acdc live version is best. 5am best time
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