If You Twitch Right Before Falling Asleep, THIS Is What It Means…

You know what’s one of the best feelings in the world? Waking up in the morning because you think you need to go to work, only to realize it’s a Saturday (or whatever day you have off)! And with a sigh of relief, you can go back to la-la land. Yes, sleep is pretty awesome but some strange things can happen to our bodies at bedtime.

Have you ever started falling asleep only to wake up to strange twitches and wondering what that was? Or have you ever noticed your partner twitch as he or she starts falling asleep? Well, if you panicked because of this or thought something was wrong with you, well worry no more! This is perfectly normal! And the video you will see below explains in detail why.

But let me give you a brief explanation. These are called hypnogogic jerks and about 50-70% of people do this, although most people don’t even realize it.  There are a couple of theories as to why these happen it it goes something like this. The first is that when we fall asleep, two parts of the brain, right behind our eyes start working to reduce the level of serotonin (a feel good chemical that helps us be happy, awake and helps us move our major muscles). These parts of the brain also release a couple chemicals that stop us from moving our muscles including our smaller muscles. For a short period of time, because the smaller muscles are still not affected by these chemicals so we still move a little causing us to twitch.

For a more detailed explanation and to hear the other theories check out the video below. And don’t forget to share this eye-opening video with your friends and family!

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