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Basically, your mother had a fit because your baby was hungry and you didn't leave her house to feed her. You should have waited and invited them to visit, then, when it was time to eat, handed your mother a plate of food, told her to leave but she was welcome to come back after she finished eating.
Sign your share over to your dad. I know it's hard to give up that kind of money but you have the opportunity to be a better person than your grandparents were. They were toxic. You can end the toxicity or continue it. It's your call.
NTJ She hated you for having the audacity to be born. Her husband cheated on her yet she stayed in a loving relationship with him and blamed you. Now that she is positive she can't have a child of her own she decides you can fulfill her dreams of being the perfect mother with a perfect family. I understand your father being excited at being able to have you in his home and be accepted by his wife and be a real dad for you but he needs to consider your feelings. He could have taken you on mini vacations and been more than a visitor in your life but catered to his wife instead. You aren't a doll for her to play with only when it suits her.
YTJ You live under their roof, use their utilities, eat their food, expect free transportation from them and are a legal adult with a job. You have been told you will need to start paying rent yet blow the money you make on toys. They are trying to get you to grow up and be the adult you are and you just feel entitled to remain a child with no responsibilities. Be an adult. Look for a real job that pays real money. Yes, you will have less time for playing Xbox but that is part of adulting. In the meantime, negotiate for a slightly lower rent, get your driving license and do your own laundry and help clean around the house. If you don't start growing up, you may be looking for a new place to live so you will be forced to grow up.
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