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Ntj, but sounds like bf is only "superman" when it's convenient to some people. What if mom needed that 800 at one point. He does need help, way overdramatic, possibly childhood trama. I think I'd step outside of this relationship and let it be. This whole thing just screams disaster
I'm half and half on this one. If both your cars are gas guzzlers why not sell them to put a down payment on a car that isn't costly in gas. Don't take her car, ask her if she's needing it. But at that she not able to drive any of yours? If she can't for some reason, then yeah that's a jerk move on your behalf. I don't think you're a jerk by trying to help with shared responsibility on taking kiddo to daycare. And I think that's what you're trying to point out on the daycare behalf. Good luck, marriage is a 2 way street, not just one. You may think it seems logical but if both parties aren't in agreement then it's one sided.
NTJ, sorry for your loss. But they need therapy, their behavior was toxic from the beginning and now it's increasing for the worse. It may be hard on them for losing their son, but it's not your place to console them anymore, you can't heal properly if you keep continuing this process with them. I know this may hurt for awhile but it will be fore the best for all parties involved.
NTJ, but I would ask the school to have her placed elsewhere. I'd use the excuse as conflict as she's leaning on you, and you have no business tending to her needs and wants. If it were me, I tell her straight up don't ask me for anything and do not wake me up or next time I'll be raising hell.
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