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Your boyfriend is a jerk. He refuses to help around the house other than cleaning the bathroom? Is that because he is messy in there? My ex liked to shave leaning over the sink and whiskers were always in the glass by the sink. He also left "dribbles" on the toilet and even on the floor beside the toilet, lid off the toothpaste, etc. He never lifted a finger in the house. Hence the term ex. Consider your options. Do you want to cook, clean, shop, plan etc and work full time with no help for the rest of your days?
Your spouse and his family are total jerks. How dare they complain about how you look 2 months after giving birth. Are they all perfectly shaped people with perfect skin? Other than your husband's mother, have any of them had a child? Some folks gain lots of weight when pregnanat and never get a stretch mark. Others gain very little weight and get marks. Some folks have skin that is more elastic. You are dealing with enough. Your spouse needs to go away. Based on this, he will continue to belittle you for the rest of your life. Instead of being over the moon with his new child and proud of you for producing that child, he is behaving like the worst 12 year old bully. Time he grew up and starting paying child support, etc. He will not change.
NTJ Be sure to have the makings for PB&J availble (unless there are allergies) and maybe some baby carrots and fruit. They are old enough to make a sandwich and eat some carrots and fruit. That may be better than what a lot of nice polite kids are being fed for dinner. They are also old enough to rinse off the plate and dull knife (no sharp knives for those brats) used in the making of a sandwich. I bet they also gag at what you make them so don't give them the chance.
Get Morgan a cute outfit for her birthday. That way it won't get given to the son. Can't imagine a parent hijacking a child's birthday gift to give it to another of her kids. YNTJ
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