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There are a lot of parallels here to my grade school years in the 60s. I too was highly intelligent but easily distracted. They had not yet started diagnosing ADHD back then. They just called it being "hyperactive" and just figured I was bored shitless in first grade (which I was). I too was offered to skip second grade and go right to third, and unlike you, my parents said yes. One of the biggest mistakes ever made. I didn't really have an abusive teacher, though. Good on your mom for getting rid of that one. No, my school system was just "nudge nudge wink wink" when it came to student bullying. I was already below average size for my age and now I was with a group of boys a year older. Needless to say I was a punching bag. But the teachers "never saw" anything. It got so bad I had to start picking up equalizers, and picking up a brick and hitting a bigger kid with it who was beating me up got me kicked out of school in fifth grade. After a year of school at home , by sixth grade I was sent to a different school in the district, but another equalizer incident resulted in my being expelled again. By then I had missed so much school I ended up back with my own age group, but not without a reputation for being 'crazy. It's so sad to see how little our school system has improved since then.
That principal should have been FIRED on the spot! The generational culture of bullying and "nudge nudge wink wink" are why some kids see no recourse but to bring a gun to school and shoot people.

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