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It sounds like your sister is going through some very serious post partum depression. This can be treated but if not, it could easily turn into post partum psychosis. I would be hesitant to leave Betty with the baby at all until she gets some help. Try to remember, if this is the case, it's not Betty's fault. Now, if she refuses treatment, then it is her fault and I would look into having her parental rights revoked. At least temporarily until she really seeks treatment and begins to improve. You are talking about a helpless baby who is likely being neglected for the better part of the day. Failure to thrive is a very real thing and some children have a hard time coming out of it.
YOU ARE THE JERK. Do you also believe that if a woman dresses provocatively and gets assaulted she had it coming? It's "joker blokes" like you that make it impossible for women to be taken seriously. I don't even know you and I seriously want to punch you right now. You owe that TA a major apology. What a d***.
I bow to you wise one. Absolutely genius. Keep it up. If he's so worried about their clothes, let him buy them.
Mom here. Not at all TJ. If you have a loving mother, which it's obvious you do, she had no problem putting her worries aside to be there for her child. You know your mother (probably better than her partner does) and you would know if she wasn't being sincere when she was comforting you. You are human. You are allowed to have feelings and bad days and emotions and you are also allowed to share them with the person that you know loves you, unconditionally, forever. Do you know who the jerk in this scenario is? Your mother's partner. You really didn't say if you had met her before this but, even if you had, she has no right to interfere in your relationship with your mother. It sounds like you have a great mom. If it were me, I would tell my mom exactly what her partner said. You don't have to be all "I'm going to tattle on mommy's girlfriend". Express it like "Partner said this to me and I want to let you know I didn't mean to cause you more stress or worry". I'm going to go out on a limb and say mom's partner does not have children. Or, if she does, they don't have the best relationship.
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