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Ntj. Fa fo and all that. I'd be questioning my wife's fidelity if she phrased it that way to me as well tbh. The only part I see u being a jerk in is throwing it in the lake cuz now essentially u have a large lawn ornament until u spend the money to replace everything like a fob and or the ignition to get it running again.. the kicking him out thing is a bit harsh to an extent but I get it's a huge violation and the kid wasn't even honest w u as to why she ended things w him.. he's now a liar too
Ntj. 1 she knew where it was and wasn't allowed 2 she went in your room knowing it was off limits period. 3 you have a stain and didn't charge them a penny to clean or fix it 4 u under reacted if anything 5 when a little has adhd parents need to step up and remind them to grab things. 6 you offered alternatives to the slime 7 u offer to pay half their costs and now ur the bad guy?! Nope
Ntj. Your mom is ridiculous and needs to go find her own friends/village. There's no reason for her to be asking such things of your friends I'd have erased their numbers too. If she can't do everything needed during the time you say u guys set aside to help her out maybe she shouldn't do these things. And the fact her dogs are old and high maintenance maybe if she wants them taken care of she should she'll out the money to board them or idk be a good pet owner and stay home w them herself. Drive me here there and everywhere in a snow storm. Umm how could she be so selfish as to want them to put themselves in danger to go pick her up. No ma'am you need to tell your friends to tell her absolutely not
Ntj. Your daughter is that your and his no step parent should be involved in decisions made when it comes to her. I'm not saying they shouldn't be involved in their lives when they have the kid. Like responsibility if she wants it and the ability to discipline if needed (however any discipline to dole out is to be discussed w her father.. goodness knows if my fiance punished my kid w out talking to me I'd probably get upset about it at first cuz I haven't a clue what happened for her to earn it at that point.) You can't ask her not to talk about people who are a big part of her life weather it hurts or not you are the adult who needs to seriously work on their mental/emotional stuff w out her being involved. You would be right the wife's calling all the shots w him and that's not ok he clearly has no backbone or is easily manipulated if he's being this bitter and weird. Like honestly he left you not thw other way around he can't be upset and bitter toward you as he has no justification based on how u stated things went down.. idk I'd say lawyer up and fight foe full custody and placement if he can't get his wife under control as u don't need her somewhere that's toxic. If the wife does this w u and him I only can imagine what she's already/going to do to her
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