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Hmmm? ESH... 1- YTJ for calling cops on neighbors for trying to deliver a package (even at 11pm). Was this 11pm door knock out of frustration because MULTIPLE packages had been misdelivered during the day while they were sleeping? 2- YTJ for so quickly pointing out your racial differences. 3- They would be the jerk if 11pm package delivery was a FIRST time issue (see #1). 4- They would be the jerk if fireworks were actually illegal, and they did not complete full clearing. I believe info is missing, and lean toward YTJ.
NTJ... I couldn't trust "friends" like these (the husband especially). One partner searches through another's phone, takes a snapshot of message, and proceeds to expose information without knowing full story... stalker/creepy. Good for you to have an open communication and mutual respect with your partner! I feel sorry for "J".
NTJ...Good for you to voice your feelings (even if belated), but even more excellent for your mother to understand and respond in such a gracious manner. It's nice to be acknowledged and receive a heartfelt apology with actions. If you want to save the relationship with your sister, I would ignore the anger/name-calling as part of stress and hormones. She knows she was wrong. Saying sorry does NOT mean accepting blame. You could simply state that you ARE sorry that your mom couldn't be in the delivery room and realize that it was disappointing. I would NOT include the entire family in reconciling with your sister (too much drama, picking sides, etc.). Hope everything gets smoothed over soon for your entire family.
NTJ... Years ago my sister married her husband in June, and my brother married his wife in July (4 weeks apart, 2 geographic areas). I remember no strife, no jealousies, or any turmoil. I recall a GREAT year seeing and celebrating with families. Great memories! Your "friend" is entitled and delusion.
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