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Do it back to him. Right away. As soon as he pulls away and says the words. Cat videos Dog videos Movie clips Music groups songs Anything that will be tedious and boring. When he says stop, you repeat his words back to him. Word for word. Do it every time until he stops, or at least asks if he can share something.
He needs a fake fiancé Tell parents he's moving to her place. Then maybe they'll see the alcoholic woman taking advantage of them.
You need to sit down with your sister. Maybe with a 3rd party that will stop this from becoming a brawl. She's controlling, thinks she's the boss, blah, blah, blah. But guess what. Look in the mirror. Here's what you should do in the future. Plan a big family vacation. Give 4 or 5 activities you'd like to suggest as a group event on this day. Then suggest hotels. Don't do a big place where everyone stays together. Maybe set up 3 houses/condos side by side.
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