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Good grief. You are 18!!! Of course you don't want a preplanned life to step into. You want to live, experience life, go to college, see what's out there. You need to have a sit down with dad and talk. If he'll listen, make a 5 year plan. Where you and he will sit down at that time to discuss the legacy of the business.
She lives far away. Why can't you and hubby go away for a weekend? Disconnect. Turn the phones off. Don't tell her you're doing anything. Just go. Every weekend if you want. Get him used to romantic getaways. Where he learns the value of time alone together. If he can't disconnect from his mother, then you have a bigger issue.
I eat slowly. My husband eats his food in a couple of minutes. Think about this. You're at a car hop style place. You get done, toss your trash in the back, start the car, pull out and start driving. Your partner isn't even halfway done with their food. You're at home. You get done and start taking the food off the table, covering leftovers, wipe the table down, your partner isn't half done eating. If they want seconds, they have to pull it out of the fridge, heat it up, and then sit back down. You weren't rude but you were very inconsiderate. You made them feel like an inconvenience to you. So, its time for a sincere conversation. Ask them what the plan should be going forward. Explain it's awkward to just sit and twiddling your thumbs and watch them eat. What do they suggest you do? My husband scrolls on his phone, or pulls out a book, he stays busy so I have plenty of time to relax and finish eating. But the best thing? Maybe slow down and don't inhale your food.
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