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Even if she does choose you, she will never be good for you and she will always cheat. Also, because she cheated and you’ve caught her, she will constantly accuse you of cheating because to her “eye for an eye” eventually so any time you go through a small lovers “rough patch” she will throw it in your face and gaslight you.
NTJ!!! TBH, I’m kinda mad at all these comments. Many men get into relationships with this exact head mind. They know they want a wife but don’t really want the responsibility of a kid while the wife wants one.(here the husband wants one while the wife doesn’t) Why can’t they have the opposite dynamic? Why can’t she be the bread winner who is there but not as involved with their child while he is the stay at home spouse? Why should she have to be the primary care taker of a child when she could play that role, that MOST father play, and the kid wouldn’t know anything different because the dad will do what MOST moms would. Is it because everyone thinks that women HAVE to be maternal with their kids for the kids to be mentally healthy? No. If he wants to be a dad like that with a wife who plays the normal “dad” role, why not? The only way that WONT work is if he expected her to do all of that maternal stuff, that some women don’t have, for 18 years while he got to be the breadwinning barely emotional/physically there dad even after she has explained for years, she was not the typical mom material. If he wants to take the responsibility of being the parent that ALL women are expected to be while she is the parent that MOST people expect out of dad, then why wouldn’t it work? If he wants to take the role that he expected of her in order to keep his marriage and get what he wants, why not? Why shouldn’t she give him that choice? He should be able to choose to switch those emotional roles and let her be that parent if that’s what he wants. Many women will use the whole “I’ll stay home and take care of them.” against men all the time in order to coerce them into becoming dads. Why shouldn’t she give him that exact option?

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