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U are ntj. This probably saved ur relationship with ur daughter. Dint hold it against he is she never wants to see ur wife again though. Ur son is a selfish p***k who thinks only of himself and until ur wife stops babying him, he won't straighten up.
Ntj. I was going to answer differently until u said ur 22 brother gets to do whatever. Ur parents are wrong for that. Ur brother could get into just as much, if not more trouble than u. The doublestandard needs to stop.
Ntj. Is it JUST his house? Or do u live there and pay for it too? Oh wait. U said YOU ALONE are supporting u BOTH. Know what. Dude needs to seriously back off. He has NO RIGHT to tell u what is messy or what needs picking up. He is mooching off u. Period. It doesn't take that long to find a job - any job. Just because he is "stressed"- he has no right giving u grief about anything. Cancel Netflix and anything else ur paying for the next time he comes down on u. Do u really want to be in a one aidwd relationship with someone like him?
Ytj. Ur a 22 yr ADULT who doesn't want mom to use the car SHE GAVE HIM because it has a map on it. Seriously? Grow up.
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