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Obviously they DON'T know or they would justify his actions. GENIUS.
Your brother is a jack*** plain and simple. And your parents are only enabling him and justifying his ridiculous behavior. And then want to Blane it on "he's having a hard time " no just NO. He is the CAUSE of all of his own troubles and nothing is going to get better for him as long as he continues. Is it any wonder why he hot divorced?
You married this man why???? He has not one single redeeming quality. If even HALF of what you are saying is accurate (not like his version of the story to his coworkers kind of thing) they I'm sorry but you deserve SO much better. I wouldn't treat an enemy the way he treats you. Please know your worth and do this s*** on your own. He isn't worth the time, money not energy. He's hateful and just an ssa
Even here in your writing you come across as judgemental, catty and jealous. I can only imagine how awful you sounded in person. YTJ big time.
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