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Your “partner” is undermining your parental decisions I hate to say it but it’s time to move on from her. You said no she did it in secret that’s not a good omen. Don’t get me wrong I know she Ment well but this shows you she doesn’t respect you or think she knows better for a kid that not hers..
Sil isn’t responsible for taking the burden of parenthood off of your wife.. sil wasn’t in the bed when you and wife conceived your kid so whatever involvement she has is up to her not your wife.
What’s strange to me is that you told Marie before you married her that you weren’t looking for a mother for your child and she’s pushing it anyway. Sit her down again and go over what was told to her before you married and ask her again to stop pushing. She needs to accept that this child isn’t going to conform and be what she wants she is not threat girls mom and should stop focusing on trying to live out her motherhood fantasies with your daughter
Find a new circle of people to be around because you don’t have friends.. and I would cut your fathers entire family out because you can’t see Olivia with out her parents.. you don’t owe anyone anything .
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