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NTJ, but... Actions have consequences. Yes, she broke the law, but you decided not to pay for uninsured motorist coverage (which typically costs less than 5% of your total premium). In most US states, your claim would go against her estate, not her family personally. If that is the case, you'd only get paid IF she had assets (bank accounts, house, car, etc.) that could be liquidated to cover your claim in addition to her other creditors (i.e. car loan, etc.) Filing a claim against her Estate is not wrong, but you can't get blood from a turnip. As a parent, I'm sure you can sympathize with how devastated her family must be. Maybe find out more about the claims process before you decide whether or not it's worth pursuing.
Sorry, but YTA. Were you wrong to be proud of his achievement? Of course not. Was he an jerk about the whole thing? Absolutely! The reason YTA is you're both acting like teenagers, but YOU aren't one. Right or wrong, he made it very clear he didn't want to participate in the award ceremony. You forced the issue then seem surprised he had a bad attitude. If he decides he does want to participate in the future, it's logical to assume he'll go into it with a positive attitude. Refusing to attend at that point is just petty. Good chance he WILL be more mature in a few years. Will you?

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