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ESH. It sounsd as though the ACTUAL SERVICE you provided was normal party make-up and not the more comprehensive service you offer when it is booked as bridal make up. However, I am not a fan of people who book goods and services for weddings but claim it's not for a wedding. it's a bit scammy.
NTJ and your stepfather is a creepy, sexist bully. It *may* be that your outfit was a bit inappropriate for the venue, but he was not the one in charge and your mother needs to remind him that he does not have authority over you.
NTJ and gete all the team members who agree with you to push, together, for more sensible clothing. You could make a big thing of this and other kids into cheerleading will thank you, too!
NTJ and don't let your wif get away with claiming her bigotry is 'reasonable concerns'. It isn't. It's bigotry and you need to be firm with her that she MAY NOT harass Atlas or go whining to other people unless she's happy to be put in her place repeatedly and publicly. Anti-LGBTQ bigotry is just as contemptible as racism.
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