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NTJ. There is nothing wrong with your husband sending you things at your work. There is nothing wrong with having photos on your desk. Co-worker sounds jealous. Can you change offices? It might be much better than staying in your current on.
Tantrum was parents fault. Nephew needs to learn you can't have everything you want.
If you homeschool, they could sleep in, as late as they need to. My daughter would stay up all night, if allowed. I would still get her up in the morning. She never napped, stopped when she was 3, she would go to sleep early, the next night. When we started homeschooling, her sleep schedule followed her natural sleep pattern. She's 28, has no problems getting up in the mornings. If you start reducing the length of nap time, they will get tired earlier.
I would have fired him, when I found him napping, an hour longer than his break. He needs to grow up. Your partner needs to tell him to grow up, do his job or leave. His brother can figure out how to live on his own.
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