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If he can't respect your needs as a medical student, he sure won't be able to handle your schedule as a doctor (or medical professional.) Pay close attention to how he conducts himself when you insist he return home, because I suspect you will have to insist.
It was most likely not an accident if he is 13 (as they can know better but still be little boogers at that age), she sucks for asking when she should've been the one to protect her personal info (but you need to address that with son as well as her), and YT immature J. Step it up. Teach son instead of belittling his mother. He should see all of your interactions with respect to one another, so that means ALL interaction between you two should have a minimum of respect. Teach him what a healthy relationship is despite a lack of love.
Dust off the ol' resume. You're in the good ol boyz club there. That is ridiculous! Trust no one and find greener pastures. NTJ! Get the incident documented with HR now. It will make things tougher most likely, but move on from there ASAP! Mostly because the supervisor and coworker sided with him.
NTJ. MARRIED men can get too comfortable with division of labor, so maybe you should've at least tossed that in there that he needed to invite. But, it is done and you shouldn't really give it another thought. Hopefully, he learned his lesson. IF he brings it up again, tell him you like this arrangement and would like to continue this new tradition, but he beeds to remember to include his mother earlier next time. Firmly. Maybe remind him not to forget them on Father's day. Then, leave the ball in his court. It was just a mistake on his part because he didn't consider all of the responsibilities as a host.
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