Metaspoon User


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My parents divorced when I was 7. He was violent towards my mom during the marriage and when he married his mistress and moved away, my sisters and I rarely heard from him again. Fast forward to me being 19 and suddenly he's moving back to our state and making amends. He was trying for decades until he wasn't. During the good times, I gave my son my dad's name for his middle name. Now my son hates his middle name because of what a jerk his grandpa reverted back to. OP needs to give his son whatever name him and his wife want and ignore the jerk FIL.
1) this is a blatant power play by your father. I know it's hard but you need to learn to stand your ground or it will continue... think of all the horrible in-law stories. Do you want that to be your spouse or children? Remind him "my house, my rules". 2) as someone in Public Health and a background in Infectious Disease, I'm grossed out by him. E. coli plume is real and does not need to be in your bathroom when it's so easily avoided. You should always keep your toothbrushes in the cabinet because of this. Not washing hands spreads disease... typhoid Mary is a prime example. There are also lots of case of people getting parasites from contaminated soil or contaminated people not washing hands (parasite eggs are microscopic). Bottom line... food, dishes, babies, etc. should not be touched without washing hands first. And NEVER let a pet lick your mouth... again... parasites.
You set a deadline. Enforce it. Stop giving power to someone that doesn't deserve it.
Hey everyone out there responding to these posts, dont waste your time logging in. Minxie has declared that the authors and anyone involved with them ONLY look at Reddit posts.
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