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Agreed. I don't care who you are or how old you are, but if I'm standing there and see a Llama spit on you, I'm gonna laugh my a** off. Some things are just too funny and laughing is a natural reaction.
Your grandmother promised that necklace to you. Don't ever sell it and especially don't give it to Abby. It is a family heirloom and no amount of money will ever come close to its true value as a gift from uour grandmother. Especially when she is no longer with you. You will cherish that necklace forever.
NTJ. Next time you're out on your front lawn with your dogs, keep your garden hose next to you. Next time that woman comes by with her dog, as soon as her dog steps on your lawn, squirt it.
Wow! Just wow! Jen has a serious superiority complex. She sounds like she believes her choice of a nursing career means that she is better than anyone else on the planet. Nursing requires a strong sense of empathy. Obviously, Jen is seriously lacking in that character trait. Just wait till she actually graduates and is responsible for patients. What's she gonna expect as sufficient praises and rewards from her patients when she's caring for them? And what will be the consequences the poor patient has to suffer from her wrath because that patient failed to sing her praises and glorify her to the rest of humanity? I honestly can't see her nursing career going very far with that kind of attitude. I just hope me or any of my family members never have to endure her "care" in any kind of a medical setting.
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