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NTJ/ The painting pre-dates their relationship, and if she has insecurities, that's her problem, not yours. I have a feeling this chick is going to cause MORE issues, since apparently David and your sister co-parent? David has time with his daughter, andthe new chick will have issues with that, too.
NTJ. "NO" means just that- NO. She kept pushing, so she got the reason.
Your mother left it all to YOU. If she'd wanted her sister to have anything, she would have put it in writing. Call the police, file a report, and make arrangements to sell whatever you don't want to personally keep....because I am jerk SURE Auntie Dearest has been selling your mother's belongings.
Most males can be a sperm donor. It takes someone special to be a dad. YOU stepped up and took on that job, no questions asked. You bonded with the child. Your family should be better humans than to abandon a little one after years of acceptance, just because of genetics. Your son is too young to understand that BS
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