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If he’s using your trash cans report it to the city as illegal dumping. See about returning the items he’s ordered to the sender or just putting them in the edge of his property instead of on his porch (check the legality of this). Call the police & report the plants he’s put in your yard as possible stolen property & play dumb if he tells them he’s told you he did can tell the police you were sure he wouldn’t have done it again after you told him to stop the first time. If it’s your property, have the unauthorized cars towed.
Privacy fence & locked gate. There are window treatments you can purchase (solar shades) that you can’t see in during the day—-be aware when the lighting is reversed they could see in at night. Be sure you get a tighter woven one; they’re a bit expensive but worth it. I’d play bagpipe music when they play theirs loudly; I happen to like bagpipe music but most people don’t. File a police report saying things have been missing, you’re finding footprints around your home etc & let it slip to the neighbors that the police are watching for intruders. And ask the police if they can drive by once or twice a day.
Call the police from a pay phone or somewhere he won’t figure out it’s you. Just tell them you think he’s a predator & there’s something funny going on in the back house. At least it’s on record just in case. And be hyper vigilant.
You can anonymously call an area agency on aging or whatever it’s called in your city & voice your concerns and you think he needs a welfare check. Tell them you think he’s been peeping in your windows and you’re concerned his behavior might get worse if he finds out where the report came from. I’d also go to your local police department and “hypothetically” ask what they’d recommend. Maybe get planters with thorny bushes around your windows. Too heavy to be easily moved but removable if he moves away.
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