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Did you ever find what the reason was that your son left the party?
Another thing you need for them to do is to do some serious deep research into how this will effect your education. I'd your Korean even fluent? How well can you read and write it? It is difficult to get a placement at the university even for students who have been raised in the country. There's a good possibility you won't even graduate. That would effect your entire life.
I think your sister should stay home and attend a junior college or a trade school. She needs to go to the counselors office and do several of those surveys that discover what type of job you are interested in. Then pick one with as little or the most hands on college as she can find. She is not going to get magically motivated in doing academic work when she is plopped down into a party atmosphere with no parental controls. You are not her parent, you can't stop her from partying, to get up and go to class nor to do her homework.
I have a friend that is a truck driver. He works for a company called Yankee Freight.
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