Walmart Employees Reveal Funniest Things They’ve Seen At Work

With over 6,000 stores in the US alone (yep, there are international stores too – Japan, India and South Africa, to name a few), there are over 100 million customers that visit Walmart every week. These next 40 tales re-told from the employees of Walmart (and a few about the employees themselves…) will show you just what kind of behaviour goes down in America’s favourite discount store when the doors are open to every Tom, Dick and Harry that strolls in.

Hopefully, You’re the First One Using That “New” Deodorant

“I was going to take a break and walking past the deodorant aisle, I see this huge guy, maybe 350 pounds, in a wife beater, put on some deodorant, put the cap back on and put it back on the shelf. I told my manager about it and he said it happens all the time.” ArizonaGeek

39. “We Had To Ban A Guy Once…”

“So, break time comes and I head to the back which takes me past the dairy section. I see a blanket covering what looks like a body and blood all over the glass door milk refrigerators.  I head to the break room where the story is waiting for me.

Apparently, there were two men who were strangers in the dairy section, both with shopping carts. This being a particularly violent city and also an area of town where ‘being respected’ is of the highest concern to many/most people, the two men had their carts accidentally collide and both of them took offence at the action/disrespect of the other man. This escalated into a full-blown brawl, and one of the men literally fought him.
” pat1million

Are you blown away like I was? Please share. There’s just too many good ones out there!

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